The Goal

What do we want to do?

The Big Picture Intention
     "I want to be rich and famous!" Not really, but if I did I might consider this my life's goal. There are no details, no process, but I have an idea, a thought.

     "Let's take a trip this summer!!" It sounds like fun! But there is no mention of where or when or with whom or how long. It's just an idea we can build on.

"Perhaps a Goal fits in that same category, a vague idea of a dream!"

     It's the objectives which we will consider next that will start building the details, and the objectives may only give us guidelines as to how and what we will do to get rich and take a vacation.

     I want to teach something about Lewis and Clark. It seems like the staff needs revitalitation.

     Our text has led us through a process to help establish our goal for instruction, but whether is a guided decision is establishing a goal or an implusive whim, we can't process without a goal. Our goal must come on the top of our list of things to do.