Favorite Quote

"America always makes the right decision... after exhausting all the wrong ones"

paraphrase of President Eisenhower

Getting Started including Web2.0

   Tools | Assignment


What is Web2.0?

     Web2.0 is a term created to discuss the most recent direction that the Internet is taking. In Web1.0, if you wish to call it that, Internet users would open a webpage and see static information. There was no interaction other than clicking and linking to another webpage. Solificated sites could ask for information from you and maybe sell you something.

     There's nothing magical or mysterical about Web2.0. Many of us have been using websites that may qualify as Web2.0 when we shop online and bank online. Education and technology have also taken advantage of the interactive website. One can work on a website almost as if it were a program on your computer.

     In exploring the sites related to "go2web20" and other intereactive sites, you will discover that many, maybe most, are free, but many would like you to register as a user. This may generate more email for the user so I'd procede with cautious registereing on too many sites. Each registration will require a password so either be consistent or carefully write down each one.

     Link to Web2.0 Tools.

     Here's a Powerpoint presentation for your enlightenment: html format and downloadable Powerpoint

Become a teacher on Moodle.   moodle

Explore online tools at Big Huge Labs.   big labs

Compare interactive websites at Web 2.0 Tools.   go 2 web 2.0

Consider model for telling your story at 50 stories.   dog

Eight Literacies for technology teaching and learning.   8 literacies

Assignment for Week One

Creating a Blog:
      1. Go to www.blogger.com to create a blog.blogger
      2. Using your gmail account, type in your email address and password and sign in.
      3. Enter your name for the display name and click continue.
      4. Choose a title and address for your blog (check availability) and click continue.
(write down your blog’s URL address for later reference)
      5. Choose a template and click continue.
      6. Your blog has been created, click start blogging.
      7. Email the URL of your blog to me at saxowsd@wou.edu. The URL should look something like http://yourblogname.blogspot.com

      1. Once your blog has been created, type an entry that discusses your experience with web2.0 today and the ways you would use the various web 2.0 tools in your classroom. Include blogs, wikis, RSS, social bookmarking, photo and video sharing, and any other useful tool you found today. Be sure to include the grade level and content area you will be teaching.
      2. When you are done typing your post, click publish post.

Experiencing Web 2.0:
      The goal of this assignment is to give each of us experiences using Web2.0. Go to go2web20.net and adventure through the site. Specifically, near the top of the page "Select Tag." It's like choosing a key word. Choose a keyword of your interest. When the new page comes up, scan through the different icons and choose one that you wish to explore. Click on your choice and click again on your choice when it shows up near the bottom of your screen. Try out the website.

When you visit a website and register with a username and password, record this on your Login Information Sheet, which is handed to you in class or available online. You should have included your blog address which looks something like http://yourblogname.blogspot.com and your gmail account which looks something like your accountname@gmail.com

      After your adventure through the website, write a brief review inyour blog. Consider some of the following questions.
  • Did the functions of the website meet your expectations?
  • What was the purpose of this website?
  • How would you use this website in teaching?
  • What worked well in this website?
  • What worked poorly or didn't work at all?
  • Who is the intented audience of this website? Adults? Teachers? Students? What grade?

      Repeat the above process with two more websites in go2web20.net. You might want to consider selecting a tag called Websites, or wikis.