Favorite Quote

"America always makes the right decision... after exhausting all the wrong ones"

paraphrase of President Eisenhower

ED421 - Syllabus

Course: ED421 - Integrating Technology
     CRN31165 - Tuesday - 8:00- 10:50AM
     CRN31167 - Tuesday - 1:00- 3:50PM

Instructor, office hours: Denvy Saxowsky - Spring 2012
     see at the bottom of the page for more details

Course: ED421 - Integrating Technology
     Within this technology course, students will form a conceptual framework, analyze strategies for integrating technology and evaluate its potential for the improvement of teaching and learning. In this class, we will

  1. explore and discuss the impact of interactive socializing processes online;
  2. explore a variety of ways to display information through words, images, sound, and video;
  3. become familiar with concepts of visual design;
  4. study how and why we can organize information spatially;
  5. find and evaluate electronic resources;
  6. explore the use of new devices and products in education;
  7. find and identify useful interactive educational resources online;
  8. evaluate, design and build educational websites; and
  9. examine ways that all of these techniques can be integrated into classroom to enhance learning.
This project-based course is taught through a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration and hands-on practice.

    This course addresses Teaching Proficiency 7: Technology

A candidate who is proficient in this area understands operations and concepts of basic technology equipment, applies technology to enhance personal and professional growth and productivity, and integrates technology in classroom planning, instructions, and assessment. Technological equipment includes computer hardware and software, related peripherals such as printers, scanners, digital cameras, CD-recordable equipment, and graphic, video, print, and audio devices.
    Also review the NETS website for standards for students, teachers and administrators. And the 21st Century Framework.

Course objectives:
    Students will:
  • recognize and understand the use of interactive socializing online websites;
  • recognize and define computer terminology, concepts and equipment related to the uses of computers in education settings;
  • work effectively on computer tasks both individually and in small learning groups;
  • identify methods for integrating computers into educational settings;
  • assess potential impacts of emerging technologies upon the learning process;
  • effectively apply text, graphics, mapping, presentation,smart board and Internet software to instructional, learning, and management tasks in the classroom;
  • identify and evaluate online interactive educational resources;
  • engage in information exchange via email technologies; and
  • integrate effective technologies into the design of instructional units.

General guidelines:
  • Attend every class. If you don't, you will miss important information. I am willing to work with students during office hours, but for the purpose of addtional assistance and not as a subsitution for missing class. If you find that your health requires that you not attend class, notify the instructor and alternatives will be offered.
  • If you are ill or have an unavoidable conflict, let me know ahead of time.
  • Pay attention in class. You can read your email before or after class. Typing is distracting to others.
  • Participate in class discussions. Discussion time is to listen to classmates and join in the conversation.
  • Avoid talking to others during presentations. Even quiet whispering can be very distracting for others.
  • Make every attempt turn work in on time. Let me know if technical difficulties are interferring with your timeline and then get back on track.
  • Come talk to me. Come see me at my office, email me or call me. Contact information is at the bottom of each webpage.

Plagiarism policy:
    Much of the work we do in this class involves using online electronic text as a resource. If you use information you have found online, you are expected to paraphrase and make it your own. If you use another writer's works, you must put those words in quotation marks and cite where they came from. If you cut and paste without crediting your source, you are plagiarizing. Plagiarism is unethical and can lead to a failing grade.

WOU Student Support Services Available:
    Disability Accommodation: If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will nee to contact the Office of Disabilities Services (ODS) for coordination in your academic accommodations. The ODS is located in the Academic Programs and Support Center (APSC), Suite 404. The phone/TTY is (503) 838-8250.
    Writing Center (www.wou.edu/las/humanities/writingctr)
    Learning Resource Center (www.wou.edu/provost/aalc/learning)
    Counseling Center
    Department or College Resources

    "Veterans and active duty military personnel with special circumstances are welcome and encouraged to communicate these, in advance if possible, to the instructor."

    If you have a documented disability that requires academic accommodations at Western Oregon University, you are required to have your accommdation coordinated through the Office of Disability Services (ODS). ODS is located in APSC405; phone: 503-838-8250 v/tty.

Criteria for assessment:

  • Demonstrated ability to use and evaluate the use of interactive socializing online programs.
  • Demonstrated ability to use recent technologies in an educational manner.
  • Demonstrated ability to work with a variety of digital imagery formats and peripherals.
  • Demonstrated ability to use computers to display spatial information and create maps.
  • Demonstrated ability to use electronice resources to conduct research and evaluate validity.
  • Demonstrated ability to find and identify online interactive educational resources.
  • Demonstrated ability to use smart boards in presentations and lesson design.
  • Demonstrated ability to create educational websites.
  • Demonstrated ability to infuse lessons with technology.

Grading:May be subject to minor changes

Class participation
Blog/social media
Technology infused
instructional unit
Photo collage
Mapping lesson
below 60

    link to assignments