Favorite Quote

"America always makes the right decision... after exhausting all the wrong ones"

paraphrase of President Eisenhower

Mobile Learning

iPod Tutorial | Developing an App | SmartBoard

Evaluating Apps for iPod-Touch or iPhone
or iPads

Accessing and Assessing Educational Content of the iPod Touch

       Here are questions to guide one through accessing the educational content and value of apps on iPhones, iPod Touch and in the future perhaps iPads.

  1. How might you evaluate the accuracy, reliability, and appropriateness of podcasts and applications found on iTunes?
  2. Find each of the following resources on iTunes, provide their names, brief descriptions of each one, and why you think they would be valuable.
    1. Three podcasts you would use in the classroom.
    2. Three applications you would use in the classroom.
    3. Three lectures or shows from iTunes U you would use in the classroom or for your own professional development.
  3. Download at least one of each of the resources you found directly on the iPod Touch, and evaluate each of them.
    1. Podcast: What did you like? What didn’t you like? Would you download more from this provider?
    2. Application: What did the app do? Did it work well? What was challenging about it? Would it work well for your students?
    3. iTunes U: Would this content be for your use or for student use? How would you rate the value of this resource?

iPod, iPad or iTune App Assignment -- Due November 29, December 2

      For mobile apps assignment, design a technology-rich lesson for the students in your authorization level and content area. This assignment will be placed in Moodle as a Word document.
      The lesson will include the use of mobile apps integrated into the activities.

      The table below shows the elements you should be including in your work.

Grade Level  
Content Area  

Title of Lesson

Learning Goal What will students learn as a result of this lesson? This should be your overall content learning goal (not your technology learning goal).
Technology Standards What NETS-S standards are addressed by this unit?
Mobile Apps Integrated List the mobile apps integrated in this lesson. (specific podcasts, applications, and other mobile content).
Resources/Materials To the extent possible, list websites, videos, etc. that will be used in this lesson.
Unit Outline

Create an outline for your lesson that briefly describes each activity, including how mobile apps will be integrated. For each activity, identify approximately how much time will be allotted. Describe how the lesson will be conducted, including assignments and other assessments.

Note: Not every aspect of your lesson(s) needs to be based on mobile learning, but aim to include at least one use of mobile tech, i.e. iPod applications, student-made podcasts, and mobile based internet access.

There is a reading that talks about integrating technology into your lessons using the NETS-S technology standards, and will be helpful as you plan your unit of instruction. The chapter is fairly long—use the parts that you find helpful, but pay particular attention to pages 44–48.

Due at the beginning of class in two weeks.