Favorite Quote

"What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, meandering brook."

~Henry David Thoreau

Final Project

Final Lesson - Instructional Unit Outline

      For this assignment, you will design a technology-rich unit of instruction that would be appropriate for students in your authorization level and content area. This will not be a fully-developed unit, but will be an outline that describes the overall learning objective, and the activities you will use to lead students through the learning process.

      Your unit will include at least five different activities that make use of different types of technology in some ways to enhance learning. These activities should build upon one another to support a single unit of instruction and overall learning goal. If appropriate, you may wish to include additional activities that do not use technology but are important to the overall outcome.

      Here are some ideas of ways that technology could be incorporated.

  • students use drawing programs to create posters, brochures, etc.
  • students create graphic organizers to understand a concept
  • you introduce or summarize a topic with a computer-generated graphic organizer
  • you use Powerpoint to organize and present a lesson
  • you use technology to bring multi-sensory information into the unit (sounds, visuals, etc.)
  • you use a video to illustrate a concept
  • students use digital cameras to capture relevant images
  • students create movies about the content
  • students take video or digital images of their own work and analyze them
  • students learn by mapping something
  • students analyze data using spreadsheet software
  • students create graphs and charts to analyze and present date
  • students conduct research online
  • students evaluate resources found online
  • students learn by using interactive web resources (educational games)
  • students communicate online via email, blogs, online discussions
  • you bring in primary sources found online (such as the Declaration of Independence, etc.)
  • students give presentations using Powerpoint, video, digital images, etc.
  • students input information into a databases that supports your unit
  • students search or query a database to find information that supports the unit
  • you create a website that supports your unit
  • students create a website to present their findings

      This list contains only suggestions and ideas and is not intended to be complete or exhaustive. Use it to get your thinking started.

      The table below shows the elements you should be including in your work.

Grade Level  
Content Area  

Title of Unit

Learning Goal What will students learn as a result of this unit? This should be your overall content learning goal (not your technology learning goal)
Technology Standards What NETS-S standards are addressed by this unit?
Technologies Integrated List the technologies used in this unit.
Resources To the extent possible, list websites, videos, etc. that will be used in this unit.
Unit Outline

Create an outline for your unit that briefly describes each activity, including how technology will be integrated. For each activity, identify approximately how much time will be allotted.

Note: It is not necessary that you use technology to support each activity, but technology must be integrated into the unit as a whole. At least 5 activities must incorporate technology.

This week there is a reading of a chapter that talks about integrating technology into your lessons using the NETS-S technology standards, and will be helpful as you plan your unit of instruction. This chapter is fairly long—use the parts that you find helpful, but pay particular attention to pages 44–48.

Samples: One; Two

Due at the beginning of class during the week of December 6.