Favorite Quote

"America always makes the right decision... after exhausting all the wrong ones"

paraphrase of President Eisenhower


Videos in the Classroom

Ideas for using video in the classroom

  • We can use videos to teach content: showing documentaries and informational videos.
  • We can conduct research on ourselves: students can videotape themselves performing and then analyze their performance.
  • We can conduct research on others: students can videotape an activity and then analyze/code the video to learn from what they see.
  • We can use video production to teach literature and writing skills
  • We can analyze videos and movies to teach media literacy
  • We can create videos to document stories in our community
  • We can create oral histories
  • We can use video to give reports


Integrating video in the classroom

For ideas on using video production in your classroom to teach leadership skills, teamwork, and production skills, watch the video:
Seeing is Believing: Technology Integration in Practice. Note how video production gives the students a voice and an audience.


21st century skills

For ideas about teaching 21st Century skills in the classroom, watch the video Digital students @ analog schools:


Examples of schools with student film festivals

SFETT iCan Film Festival


Resources for digital storytelling


Video resources for the classroom

    YouTube now has an educational channel, YouTube EDU, with links to all sorts of educational videos.

    Google Video provides searchable access to videos--similar to YouTube.

    TeacherTube is similar to YouTube, but designed specifically for teachers.

    SchoolTube is another educational video website, focusing heavily on sharing student videos.

    And many of you might have UnitedStreaming or another commercial video supply site via a school subscription.