Favorite Quote

"America always makes the right decision... after exhausting all the wrong ones"

paraphrase of President Eisenhower

Website Design

Websites | Resources | Student Sites | PPT Download
Coding and Website Design

Assignment: Coding
      Starting with hourofcode.com, spend at least one hour creating a game or interactive activity. With each activity, read the Teacher's Notes and learn how this can be used in the classroom and how it will benefit learning. This will be an in-class activity and will be assessed by the instructor in class. A pdf document is available to guide and outline the process. pdf document

Assignment: Website Design
      Using Dreamweaver, create an educational website with an interactive lesson appropriate for the authorization and content you plan to teach. Your website should include:

  • A homepage to grab attention and introduce your topic
  • Links on your homepage to all other pages
  • At least five additional pages with supporting information
  • Home buttons/links on every page
  • At least two images
  • Links to at least two websites that students can access for more information

Before you start building your website:
  1. Create a new folder on your desktop (File>NewFolder)
  2. Give your folder a short name, use myweb (all small letters) for this class
  3. Name your homepage: first.html
  4. Save your homepage to your website folder
  5. Save all pages, as you work on them, to your website folder
  6. Inside your website folder, create another new folder to hold your images
  7. Give this folder the name images (all small letters)
  8. Put all images you plan to use into the folder before you add them to your website
When your website is complete:
  1. Connect to your public_html by selecting Finder, then Go, and then Connect to Server.
  2. Select smb://homeX/username where X is the first letter of your username and username is your username; when asked enter your password
  3. After the public_html icon appears on the Desktop, drag your entire website folder into the public_html folder in your network folder
  4. Open your web browser and type your personal URL into the address bar to check your website using the following format:
    www.wou.edu/~your_login_name/myweb, e.g. www.wou.edu/~jsmith03/myweb

for Creating Web Pages using Dreamweaver

Scoring guide:
  • Basic requirements (16 points)
    • Includes a homepage
    • Has "home" links on each page
    • Has links to at least two websites
    • Includes at least two images
    • Images load properly
    • All links work properly
    • Covers an educational topic/offers opportunities for critical thinking

  • Basic design guidelines (14 points)
    • No more than two fonts and avoids all CAPS and underlines
    • Typeface and size allow for easy reading
    • Color scheme and contrast make page interesting and easy to read
    • Information is organized logically
    • Navigation is intuitive or clearly explained
    • Design is consistent from page to page
    • Attractive, professional design