ED 670 Option A

Technology and teaching the neo-millennials



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Learning theory intro: (all required)

Social development intro: (all required)


Read this: (1) Technology as an agent of change in teaching practice; (2) Planning for neomillennial learning styles; (3) Curriculum designed to meet 21st-century expectations,; (3) The new www: whatever, whenever, wherever, (5) the flipped classroom and finally... still more on the flipped classroom

Consider these questions as you read (same questions in Moodle):

  1. What are the major problems or issues at play here? What should teachers be trying to overcome, fix, or do as a result of these issues? What experiences or stories can you share about these issues or challenges? What do you think can be done in terms of teaching, learning, and curriculum given these issues? Use this opportunity to discuss some ideas before jumping into your curricular solutions assignment described in the syllabus.

No extra reading. Review the materials above, discuss the questions in Moodle, and complete the curricular solutions assignment described in the syllabus.