Crunch time!

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Wow, did I say it was crunch time before? I didn't know what I was talking about. This is crunch time. Here's what I've been working on:

  • Cleaning up the LDAP database and making sure everybody has their ID numbers and other needed attributes added in (as of 3AM on Tuesday, only 19 people were missing ID numbers. Most of the ones I couldn't find were because of multiple possibly matching records in Banner; if I call you and ask if your middle initial is L or J sometime next week; don't be weirded out!)
  • Entering newly registered students into LDAP. I need to automate this better, but I should be able to get a new batch in by Monday.
  • A script to add new user accounts.

This last is the most interesting, not least because it's actually something that doesn't have to do with the migration! It replaces three old scripts that were needed to properly add user accounts on the old system, and does extra things like automatically creating a blog for each new user.

Anyway, I've been maxed out all week, so please accept my apologies if you've been waiting on a service request and I haven't gotten back to you just yet. I have managed to get a fair number of individual requests don, but I just don't have time to get each one of them done this week, unless I want to stay up after midnight every night. Next week I should be able to get to a few more, and the rest should hopefully be done soon after. I feel kind of bad about not giving the kind of service I wish I could, but at the moment there's little I can do about it.

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This page contains a single entry by published on September 15, 2005 6:30 PM.

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