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August 21, 2008

Fixing transcript printing problems

Since I've had a few of these transcript printing problems come up this last week, so I figured I'd post a few suggestions to find out why they didn't print.

First thing to do is check the transcript request table SHTTRAN and narrow down which one's you need to look at (most common thing to do is search for the Vnumber in the shttran_id column and shttran_activity_date)

If a transcipt has any data in the EDI fields - these are not supposed to print.

Make sure there's a valid number in the shttran_no_copies.

Make sure the shttran_printer is the same printer name you are using in the printer parameter or you use % for all.

Check the student's academic history in SHATERM, see if they have anything rolled into history (if they don't have anything, that's the reason it didn't print - nothing to print for them).

Check to see if shttran_print_date is not null. This means that it printed (or at least it thinks it did). You can reset printing by making shttran_print_date and shttran_sessionid both null doing a non-standard update.

Check the status of the printer - make sure the print queue isn't stalled.

Posted by soukupm at August 21, 2008 6:19 PM


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