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February 22, 2007

Work Report

It seems that since I moved the virtual data warehouse to Aero, the very last record seems to repeat for some reason. I spoke with Jeremy about this and he's familiar with this problem so we'll take a look at it as soon as we get access to the perl script for testing. He seemed to think it had something to do with the difference in Oracle versions.

I contacted OSU about the SSID (Oregon ID number) mod they had in Banner and got a copy of the form and the table structure. This number will be used in our scarf report and the OUS High School Transcript Database Project when it's complete. We have approval to put the mod in when we go to the new forms version around march. The SSID number will be in the Biographical tab in SPAIDEN. Admissions will enter these numbers when they receive high school transcripts.

Scarf Report modifications: Added Dual Enrollment, Non-primary Instructors
I made some changes to the scarf report this week and added dual enrollment data to it. Prior to this I was using excel to add the data since we didn't have a table structure created at that time. Last term we only had a few students but this term we're up to 30 and more than likely going to climb when other schools are added. So I figured I better get this logic in now before it creates a huge task to report them.

I added a new subroutine to scarf called scarf_instructors that gets all of the instructors for a course for the term. The reason for this change is that the old subroutine had a problem where it would only report primary faculty. I had a suspicion that the old subroutine is used in some old reports so I didn't want to modify it. At that time I didn't feel very comfortable modifying perl scripts so I built a separate pl/sql procedure to do it. But now that I have this in, it will save me some work and one less thing I need to remember to do when I run the scarf report.

I modified SZRFORN for the Business Office and added level code and it excludes credit hours from students that withdrew from classes.

I modified SZRRESD for the Budget/Payroll office and added a new parameter "report type". S is for standard report (this is the basic residency/level/credit hour report) and F is for Foreign student report (this is level/residency/rate code/credit hour report).

Posted by soukupm at February 22, 2007 03:18 PM


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