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February 16, 2007

Work Report

Some of the things that I've worked on lately...

I fixed a problem with the minimum credit hours mod on registration because it was counting credit hours for courses that students dropped after the 4th week (rsts code 'DZ') and allowing athletes to drop below 12 credit hours.

I met with the Registrar's office to come up with a way to differentiate online courses that don't require a lab and to fix a problem where students register for a lab when it's not required (PE 131 for example). We decided to identify these courses with a course number 'E'(for electronic) at the end (so PE 131E would be the new course). These will be setup in catalog and will not have the lab requirements like the standard classes.

Labs for Honors courses were not being grouped in with the other Honors courses on the online schedule of classes. These labs didn't start or end with an 'H'. So I met with the Registrar's Office and we decided to put the word "HONORS" in the title so that these could be identified in the query. This mod is in production now.

I worked on Scarf Degrees this week cleaning up problems and I came across a problem where we were reporting duplicate records for two different endorsements (basic mathmatics and advanced mathmatics). These both map to the same cipc code 131311 in scarf and created these duplicate records when the script runs. I contact OUS about this and I'm waiting for a solution to resolve this problem (this will probably require a change to the scarf data dictionary at OUS).

I tracked down a problem where a student's transcipt wouldn't articulate in Banner and comes up with a trigger error. It turned out to be an invalid equivalent course in shatatr. It seemed to be missing parenthesis (possibly from a crash).

Since the last time Via Warp (credit card app) was upgraded, the receipts haven't been printing out correctly in the cashiers office and DEP. I spent a little bit of time and found a solution to fix this. When you print a receipt, go to page setup and set the top margin to .68 and bottom margin to 1.56 and it'll print out correctly. It seems to save this setting when you restart too.

Registration for Spring and Summer terms are setup and ready to go. Emails have been sent out this week.

Did several reports:
Seniors list with parents name and address for Alumni Association

International Studies majors for Social Science Dept

Enrolled students report for Registrar's Office (I added degree code to job submission SZRENR2 so now the Registrar's Office can run this report for themselves).

Ran SOIL report

Ran Health Insurance report for ESL students.

List of D,W,Fs for several courses over 3 years for Registrar's Office.

New freshman Fall 2006 retention report for Admissions.

State and National statistics for Registrar's Office from scarf report.

Posted by soukupm at February 16, 2007 03:18 PM


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