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December 15, 2006

Work Report

Things have been really busy lately and I was out sick last week so I haven't had much time to keep up with my blog lately. But here's a list of things I've worked on the past two weeks.

I had to rerun all of the scarf finaid resubmissions last week because of currupted files. For some reason when I transferred them to the server, part of the files got truncated and caused the script to calculate incorrectly. The only way I could fix this was to delete all the copies from the server and upload the files again and rerun the script. These are all complete now and I sent a copy to OUS. I just need to verify the numbers now.

I spent a great deal of time working on the College Board questions with Nancy. I used some of the scripts in the developer.cohort,developer.provost.common_data_set directories along with the research tables I created last week to answer the questions. I also wrote several scripts to complete some of the questions which we didn't have a script for. Right now I have them stored in my directory in a "sql/projects" folder. Here's a list of them:

College Board - number of class sections with UG enrollment (also includes sql for subsections).

IPEDS student life (F1) questions - This has code for full time freshman cohorts and undergrads. There's lots of sql in this script and covers items such as students living in the dorms, living off campus, average age,age 25 or older, non-residents.

IPEDS count of freshman completing year in good standing (B24).

IPEDS graduation rates

online courses

There's many other scripts I wrote within the last month or two to answer some of these IPEDS questions. These are all stored in my sql/projects folder.

I worked a lot with Ron trying to diagnose the utl_file problems with the finaid admissions load application. I think we now have this solved as long as no one deletes the FINAID_LOAD.CSV file or changes permissions.

I updated the term code for email_update_from_reg_admit cron.

I added a primary key to the scarf.reg table to speed it up a bit. The primary key is term_code,crn,pidm.

SCHOL_LETTER job submission mod is now in production. It's using the new scholarship criteria for this year.

I rewrote the president list and honor roll scripts so that they use the function wou_misc.f_get_address for addresses now. The old scripts only used 3 address types and sometimes left a student off the list because they didn't have a 'DO','LO','CU" address type (I had to manually add students after I ran the script).

The new version of banner bookshelf 7.3 is out on our website now.

I got a question from OUS about an increase in enrollment for female grad students this term (roughy 50% increase). I traced it down to some grad level courses that were offered this term (crn 11333 with 163 students enrolled and crn 11334 with 75 students enrolled). The increase is legitimate, but it sure shot up a red flag for them.

Posted by soukupm at December 15, 2006 10:32 AM


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