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August 03, 2006

Add/Drop ($5 Fee) Process

The Add/drop ($5 Fee) process works like this:

There's a trigger on the table sfrstca where all the adds and drops are located. It fires off before an insert row and first checks to see if a record already exists for that pidm in a temporary table called zdwdrop. Then it checks to see if the student has already been charged for a drop that day. We only charge once per day per student, so the student can drop as many times as they want and only get charged $5 for that day. Next it will check to see if it's 7 days into the term. If it is, it'll insert a record into zdwdrop for that pidm. Finally a sleep wake process called swpdwdp fires off every 15 mins that looks in zdwdrop and posts the $5 charge for each student in the table.

Posted by soukupm at August 3, 2006 03:40 PM


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