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July 28, 2006

SHATAEQ problems

I spent a good amount of time this week fixing two students that had transfer articulation problems from the form SHATAEQ. Both of them somehow got invalid data in their records from a cursor crashing while articulating or while rolling transfer hours into history. So I figured I write up a something about what to look for and what can be done to hopefully fix the problem.

Most of the most common problems with transfer articulation can be solved by finding the bad record in shrlgpa and shrtgpa. When I say bad record, I mean there will be a record with some random gpa amount and no earned hours, an out of range gpa, hours that don't seem to match what the student actually took, possibly a missing record, a missing school, etc. I could go on and on but you probably get the idea. You can see if admissions can delete the record from history via the form if it's possible but usually they call when they've already tried that. So the only thing to do is delete the offending record and have admissions recalculate the gpa (under equivalent roll info). Be really careful when you do this and make sure you have the correct pidm, it doesn't hurt to double check everything and possibly even make a quick backup before deleting ( create table mybackup as ( select * from shrtgpa where shrtgpa_pidm = xxxxx).

Posted by soukupm at July 28, 2006 03:04 PM


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