Home > Other Courses > GEOG 433/533 Assignments


For students enrolled in GEOG 433W (CRN: 30993), your learning in this class will be assessed with the following assignments (to see what role these assignments have in grading go here):

Links to course Moodle pages: GEOG 433W & GEOG 533

  1. Reading Summaries. For each week's assigned reading, I will assign one or more selections for you to summarize, following instructions provided on Moodle. These assignments are opportunities to demonstrate knowledge of debates and areas of research in political geography and to practice a particular genre of Written Communication. There will be ten (10) summaries for the term.
  2. Response Essays. Every two weeks, from week 2 through week 8, I will post assignments for short essays where you will be asked to "respond" to key passages taken from assigned reading. You will select two (2) of these to write on. Instructions provided on Moodle. These assignments are opportunities to engage with all of the course learning goals and to practice formal Written Communication.
  3. Response Essay Follow-ups. For each Response Essay you write, I will make a Follow-up assignment, e.g., rewrite some part or all of the essay. These assignments are an opporunity to refine your Written Communication skills. Details will be provided in my comments to your Response Essays
  4. Summative Essay. In week 8, I will begin posting instructions for an essay meant to give you an opportnuity to review and synthesize what you have learned for the term. There will be multiple credited parts to this assignment. This is another opportunity to practice formal Written Communication and engage with course learning goals.
  5. In-class Writing. This takes the form of Learning Assessments and Freewriting. Freewriting entails writing about anything related to the course within a specified period of time, usually a few minutes. Learning Assessments are short tasks or questions intended to give me an idea of what students are getting out of each week's material. Learning Assessments will typically be administered at the end of the class period, while Freewriting can happen at any point during a meeting. There will be ten (10) In-Class Writing assignments during the term.

    Generally, these assignments cannot be made up, but if you are absent for multiple class sessions and are concerned about how that will affect your grade, feel free to talk to me about your concerns and we can discuss options for offsetting or, in some circumstances, making up, this assignment.

  6. Blogging: I have established a blog for this class.

  7. Author Visit. The author of Native Space, Natchee Blu Barnd, is scheduled to give a talk at WOU this term (tentatively on W 4/25). There will be a short, informal writing assignment related to this visit. Details to be posted on Moodle.

For students enrolled in GEOG 533 (CRN: 30994), will also complete an additional project, with details to be worked out in consultation with me.

Shaun Huston's web site is at: http://www.wou.edu/~hustons

Created by Anne-Marie Deitering and Shaun Huston

Please address comments or questions to hustons@wou.edu