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June 7, 2013

Tuition Choice problems

The Banner team found a problem this week with the tuition choice program. It has been loading incorrect data into the banner tables sgbstdn and sarchrt. I tracked the problem to a trigger on the tuition choice table tuition_plans (business.t_update_sgbstdn). The trigger was hardcoded for 2012 so it was loading the rate code BAS12 and cohort code TP12 for the new admits that made a tuition choice. I fixed the trigger so that it uses the students admit term to determine which rate code and cohort code the student should be in.
To clean things up, I had to do several non-standard updates to the banner tables sgbstdn and sarchrt for all students that used the tuition choice app. All of the BAS12 rates codes were changed to BAS13 and TP12 cohorts changed to TP13.

Posted by soukupm at June 7, 2013 2:04 PM


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