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June 8, 2007


I created a new job submission in dev called SZPMATH and its currently in the testing phase to see how well it works out. What it does is get students that received a C- or higher from a math 70 or math 99 course and inserts a test score or MT70 or MT99 into SORTEST for the student. This will make it easier for the student and the registrar's office because they will be able to automatically register on the web for the next highest level math course. The reason we are doing it non-standard like this is that math 70 and math 99 do not count towards gpa or earned hours (they are excluded) so we can't use the built in Banner functionality to do this. SZPMATH has one parameter, term_code and the output is a list of students whose records have been updated.

Posted by soukupm at June 8, 2007 4:00 PM


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