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September 22, 2006

SWEFADP2 - Advisee list by Advisor

I made some changes to the job submission SWEFADP2 and added 2 new columns to the report: degree code and program code. I had to make a change to the term_students() subroutine in wou_student.pm (file with many subroutines used in a lot of our perl based job submissions). The original sql in that subroutine was not selecting that information so I added those two columns.

SWEFADP2 actually has 2 different scripts that it calls depending on if you select database for your printer or just print directly to the printer. SWEFADP2.PL is called if printing to database and it's a pipe separated list of students. SWEFADP3.PL is used for printing directly to a printer. I made a change to this script to fix the margins because it was printing about an inch and a half from the left side and dropping some columns at the end. I added a printer escape sequence to the start of the file that tells the printer to set the left margin to 0. Search the file SWEFADP3.PL for "margin" to see an example of how to do this.

Posted by soukupm at September 22, 2006 01:07 PM


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