July 20, 2006

SZRTRAK, Financial Aid Admissions Load

SZRTRAK is now in production as a job submission in Banner.

Financial Aid's admissions load process is a web based app that Jeremy and I created a few years ago that uses the sys.utl_file package to open and write files from a directory on wilbur. The package is called finaid.finaidstuload and it exists on aero. It has two different procedures in it:

P_Adm_Load: Used during the term to update attempted hours, hours earned, admitted code, and email address.

P_Adm_Load_Eot: Used mostly at the end of term, updates all term hours, admitted code, and I just recently added admit decision, term gpa, overall gpa, transfer gpa and institutional gpa this week.

It uses a DB link with banner and calls the package wou_finaidload2 that does all the work. In general terms, it takes a file called finaid_load.csv from wilbur and grabs an ID from this file, does a lookup in banner for a match, and collects the data it needs depending on which report was ran. The output is then stored in a file on wilbur called finaid_load.lis and finaid_load2.lis. These are fixed width files that Financial Aid will use to load into powerfaids.

Posted by soukupm at July 20, 2006 03:45 PM


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