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June 30, 2006

Weekly Report: Scarf, banner 7.3 testing, pfaids patch

This week I fixed some of the remaining problems with the scarf report. There was a bug in the high school subject code that was preventing the records from printing out but I eventually figured it out and fixed it. One of the tricky parts about the scarf script is that it uses many other packages so you kind of have to hunt around each file to find what your looking for. Here's a list of the files that it uses:

WOU_Student is the largest of the files and a lot of our reports written in perl use this file. So one must edit this file cautiously or risk breaking many applications. The same could be said about the other packages. I created the WOU_Scarf package so that I can make any changes and add new functions when necessary instead of modifying the other packages.

I've been continuing with testing banner 7.3 this week. I just finished up with dropping courses via the web to test fee assessment and it all worked fine. I also tested the student unofficial transcripts and the faculty unofficial transcripts and they both worked fine ( with our custom mods in place too). I tested the scarf report and it worked fine also.

Today I updated powerfaids to version 11.2C for Financial Aid and ran a custom script from powerfaids to fix a few records that had deleted POEs from a student's record.

Posted by soukupm at June 30, 2006 02:15 PM


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