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June 01, 2006

Weekly report: NCAA report, Scarf Report

This week I was working on the NCAA graduation report. The report is broken down by gender,ethnicity, and another section on student athletes. It's a time consuming report because I have to work from an excel spreadsheet and pdfs provided by OUS. While I was working on a the report, I was going to double check the numbers that OUS sent me on athletes but I ran into a problem with the sgrsprt table. This is where the student athletes are stored. What I found is that during the 1999-00 and 2000-01 school year, the data is missing. I'm checking with the prior programmer on what happend during those 2 years. I figure the data was probably stored in a different table during that time. Once I find the data, I either backfill the table (with permission) or at least identify which table the data exists in my blog.

It's that time again of the term to start working on the scarf report. I sent in a pre end-of-term report to start fixing problems before the official submit. I've been doing this every term now since I never really know how many problems there will be to fix until I send it in. Plus at the end of term, there's usually lots of requests for reports, labels and many other duties that need to be done at that time.

Posted by soukupm at June 1, 2006 01:52 PM


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