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June 15, 2006

NCAA Report

I found out about the missing sgrsprt data and it seems that the data was never entered into banner at all. All the data was saved into individual spreadsheets by each sport. Since we were down to the last few days to report and needed that data, I took all the information from each spreadsheet and loaded it into banner by doing some creative copy and pasting in excel and created import statements with the data. It still took a while to do it but at least that data is now in Banner.
In the process of getting the data ready for the report, I needed to create a few more quick functions to get some extra data. Here's the new functions added to wou_misc:
f_get_ethnicity(pidm) - returns ethnicity code.
f_get_degree_year(pidm,level) - returns term code when student got a degree.
f_get_tr_coll(pidm,term) - returns pipe seperated list of colleges the student attended and the highest degree offered at that institution.

Posted by soukupm at June 15, 2006 02:14 PM


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