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April 21, 2006

Weekly Report: Credit hour report, mreport (job submission)

There's a credit hour by subject report called prov_year_4trm_ch.sql under wou_common.provost that Jeremy recently modified and another one called prov_year_4trm_ch2 that breaks credit hours further by course level. I ran it a few times this week for HR but depending on the usage of this report, I might put this job submission.

The mreport in job submission seems to have been broken for a while because a schema and temporary tables were missing for some reason. I had Jim restore them today and the report seems to be working.

I've been working with BIQuery Admin lately to get more familiar with creating a data models. So far I have a very crude SIS data warehouse that uses the banner tables directly. Performance seems to be very good compared to the virtual warehouse but its missing a lot of the data/queries that the virtual warehouse does. I'm going to continue working with it when I have time and try to improve it.

Posted by soukupm at April 21, 2006 04:10 PM


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