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April 12, 2006

Transfer Articulation and Transcripts for Faculty,

I changed the way error conditions were being displayed on the transfer articulation so that they can be easy modified through web tailor if needed by using the built-in function of Banner. A good example on how to do this in your code is in the package wou_trans_art (look for the word "error"). When you encounter an error condition, it'll look in information text table (twgrinfo) for that error condition and display the text. To add these error conditions, go into the wtailor menu and select "Customize a Set of Information Text". Then select the procedure you want to modify and add a new entry.

We're just about ready to go into production on the Transcipts for faculty. This is a baseline web app (bwlkftrn) with a few modifications so that it only allows current advisors to view student's records, checks confidentiality, and checks for holds. This web app displays a lot more information than the currently used transcript app in production. Some of the items it displays: changes in major, degrees, attempted hours,passed hours, earned hours, quality points,level, academic standing, and in-progress courses.

Posted by soukupm at April 12, 2006 02:56 PM


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