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November 17, 2005

Weekly Report: Class Email List, Scarf Data Warehouse

I wrote a web app that displays student email addresses from Banner based on term code, subject and course(optional). It'll be used mostly by the Liberal Arts and Sciences Office, UCS and staff. The app is pretty straight forward. If you want an email list of all students taking a Psychology course, just type in the term code and the subject code "psy". If you want to get specific courses number, you can type in a course number to display only students taking that course "psy" "101".

I started loading the scarf registration section into a table (mini scarf data warehouse) in Banner so that I can run queries on the data for the budget office for a credit hour report. Eventually, I'd like to have the entire scarf reports stored in the database so that we can look back at the data we've sent. Some of the data would be redundant with the current research tables we have, but there's a lot more information in the scarf report, especially data on courses,faculty and financial aid.

Posted by soukupm at November 17, 2005 01:29 PM


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