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August 25, 2005

Weekly Entry #1

Nancy filled in several of the major and minor cipc codes into stvmajr and I ran a new scarf degree report and it cleaned up a bunch of null majors and minors but not all of them. It looks like there's a glitch on the Education majors and it returns a '000000' cipc minor code when it should be null (since education doesnt require a minor). So I'll have to step through the code and find where its failing.
I updated Financial Aid's laptop to run a local copy of SQL server since they take it to do presentations at high schools. It was a little involving to figure out how to import the database and configure it correctly so that they can connect to it. But a least I'm familiar with the process now so it shouldn't take long to get it ready when the time comes.
I wrote a script for Marilyn to display a list of students with AR holds for a given term and displays the students balance. As soon as I get extra time, I'll code it to display on the web so that she can run the report herself.

Posted by soukupm at August 25, 2005 01:25 PM


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