ICS 101:  Freshman Experience Seminar

Tuesdays 10:00-11:50

APS 230 and other locations TBA


Bryan Miyagishima, M.Ed, MLS

Office:    HL 208

Phone:   838-8892

Email:     miyagib@wou.edu


I am working at the library’s reference desk this term every Wednesday evening from 5:00-9:00 PM. If you would like to get a hold of me at a different time, please feel free to email or call to set up an appointment.

[schedule]    [blog entries]    [class blogs]



The Freshman Experience Seminar is designed to help students transition from high school to Western Oregon University.  This is a ten week, two credit, A-F graded course.  During the course you will have the opportunity to learn about the campus, your role and responsibilities as a student and to become acclimated to college life.  Learning will take place in the classroom, outside of the class during tours, through class discussions and via visiting speakers and presenters.




  • Explore the purpose, value and expectations of higher education
  • Increase awareness and usage of campus resources
  • Strengthen connection to WOU, faculty, staff and fellow students
  • Develop strong study skills
  • Facilitate and create long and short term goals
  • Understand the relationship between your classroom and out of class experiences and your academic, personal and career goals
  • Assess roadblocks to success, and how to resolve them


Class Expectations


Attendance is mandatory.  Come each week prepared to participate in discussions and activities.  There are no unexcused absences.  If you are ill or there is an emergency you need to contact your instructor immediately, preferably prior to class. 


Your commitment to this course, attendance, positive attitude and completion of all assignments will play a critical role in determining your grade.  You may be required to rework an assignment in order to receive credit for it.


Cell phones must be turned off during this class.  Courtesy to fellow classmates and presenters is required.




The course is graded A through F. Attendance and participation will account for 5 points for each class session. Possible points for homework will be posted in the instructions for each assignment/activity. Grades will be rewarded on the following percentage scale:                         


A = 90-100%

B = 80-90%

C = 70-80%

D = 60-70%

F =  0-59%

On many assignments, like your blog entries, I will ask that you post by a certain day/time. Please be aware that this information will show up on your posts. Late assignments will be accepted/rejected/penalized at the instructor’s discretion. If circumstances warrant that an assignment be turned in late, please notify the instructor as far in advance as possible.





The articles to be used for class discussion and writing may be found by using the library’s journal databases. For assistance, consult the handout located on the Library Instruction page under the heading, FYE Resources (go to library web site, find Major Services on left-hand menu, and mouse over to Instruction). For additional help, go to the library’s Reference Desk.



Academic Honesty

Code of Student Responsibility - 574-031-0030 Specific Standards and Policies

The following list of prohibited forms of conduct is not all inclusive since it is not possible to list all potential violations. The University requires that all students behave in manner congruent with established community standards and in a manner conducive to the development of the individual.  Actions detrimental to the mission of the University and the legitimate activities of the academic community which constitute the University are in violation of this Code and may be subject to judicial procedures.


1)       Academic dishonesty, which includes but is not limited to:


(a) Cheating- intentional use or attempted use of artifice, deception, fraud, and/or misrepresentations of one’s academic work;


(b) Fabrication- unauthorized falsification and/or invention of any information or citation in any academic exercise;


(c) Facilitating dishonesty- helping or attempting to help another person commit an act of academic dishonesty. This includes students who substitute for other persons in examinations or represent as their own papers, reports, or any other academic work of others;


(d)   Plagiarism- representing without giving credit the words, data, or ideas of another person as one’s own work in any academic exercise.  This includes submitting, in whole or in part, prewritten term papers of another or the research of another, including but not limited product of commercial vendor who sell or distribute such materials.  And the appropriation of and/or use of electronic data of another person or persons as ones own, or using such data without giving proper credit for it; or


(e)   Any use or attempted use of electronic devices in gaining an illegal advantage in academic work in which the use of these devices is prohibited, and such devices include but are not

limited to cell phones, pda’s, laptops, programmable calculators, etc.



Disability Statement


If you have a documented disability that requires academic accommodations at Western Oregon University, you are required to have your accommodations coordinated through the Office of Disability Services (ODS).  ODS is located in APSC, Rm. 405.  Phone: 503-838-8250 v/tty.  Email:  ODS@wou.edu.