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PE 131 Individual Health and Fitness
Course Outline

(2 Credit Hours)

The mission of the Division of Health & Physical Education is to maximize individual and professional development in health and movement science and to promote healthy lifestyles and communities.

Tom Kelly, NPE 212, 838-8256,
kellyt@wou.edu, Office Hrs. TBA (see faculty web page)

Course description: Health values of physical fitness, components and measurements of physical fitness, conditioning programs, designing an individual fitness program, weight control and exercise, nutrition and exercise, disease and exercise, adapted fitness activeties, community resources. Lab activities will include an exposure to various conditioning programs and completion of an individualized fitness program. Students will be able to assess their own fitness levels and design an appropriate individualized program. One hour of lecture and two hours of lab per week.

Objectives: To understand the benefits and lifestyle necessary for total physical fitness. To develop and carry out a fitness program based on individual needs. To establish goals and a program for lifetime fitness. Be exposed to a diversity of workout options.

General Course Organization:

A. Lecture (meets once per week)

1. Weekly lectures
2. Reading assignments
3. Mid term and final examinations

B. Lab (meets twice per week)

1. Participation in lab workouts
2. Individual assessments in flexibility, strength endurance, body composition, and cardiovascular fitness.
3. Goals contract for individual workouts & dietary analysis.
4. Five workouts per week.
5. Workout log
6. Exercise prescription.

Evaluation: Lecture- One mid-term examination and one final examination covering lecture notes and textbook. Lab- Points are awarded based on participation in different lab activities, completeness of workout log, dietary analysis, contract and exercise prescription.

Grading Scale

100-93% = A 92-90% = A- 89-88% = B+ 87-83% = B 82-80% = B- 79-78% = C+
77-73% = C 72-70% = C- 69-68% = D+ 67-63% = D 62-60 = D- 59-0% = F

25% - Midterm from lecture; 25% Final from Lecture; 25% Lab work, contract (pre & post), dietary analysis, exercise prescription; 25% workout log.

TEXT: Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness. 7th ed. by Werner W. K. Hoeger and Sharon A. Hoeger. (Should come along with 'Personal Daily Log' booklet and 'Diet Analysis Plus' web access.)

READINGS (subject to change)

Week 1 - Chap. 1, 2, and 10 Week 6 - Chap. 8
Week 2 - Chap. 3 and 4 Week 7 - Chap. 9
Week 3 - Chap. 5 and 6 Week 8 - Chap. 11 and 13
Week 4 - Chap. 7 Week 9 - Chap. 12, 14, and 15
Week 5 - Midterm Exam Week 10 - Final Exam



Lecture 1---------- Introduction life style choices and pronged approach to cardiovascular fitness. MIFD principle
--------------------Chapters 1, 2, & 10

Lecture 2---------- MIFD principle and aerobic activities. Chap. 3, 4

Lecture 3---------- Flexibility and strength Chap. 5, 6

Lecture 4---------- Nutrition Chap. 7

Lecture 5---------- Midterm

Lecture 6---------- Nutrition and weight control Chap. 8

Lecture 7---------- Eating disorders; Aging; Stress Chap. 9

Lecture 8---------- Substance abuse Chap. 11,13

Lecture 9---------- Sexually transmitted diseases Chap. 12, 14, & 15


______________________________Lab Organization____________________________________

_______ 5 points for Health History (p. 27).
_______50 points for workout logbooks which are to be turned in every two weeks (10 points each two week period).
_______15 points for lab participation (1 pt. per day).
_______10 points for diet analysis.
_______20 points for contract and exercise prescription at beginning and end of course (10 pts. each).

Lab workout log: Record 5 workouts per week (minimum 3 aerobic). Must be filled out fully (see Personal Daily Log).

Weight lifting: To be demonstrated and explained in lab.
Upper Body: Bench Press, Lat Pulls, Moon Rows or Bent Over Rows, Triceps Pushdown, Biceps Curls, Incline Flys & Crunches

Lower Body: Squat or Leg Press, Leg Extension, Leg Curls, Heel Raises, Back Extentions

Flexibility: Stretches to be done daily after warm up.

/ sign-out sheet daily.

Once assessments are complete, students are to be organized into permanent workout groups of 3-4 to be assigned a workout for that day's lab by the instructor. Instructors will need to monitor groups and be organized in such a way as to make sure each group is assigned appropriate work and is able to experience each of the lab workout options. Special care should be taken to avoid a situation in which students do the same workout every lab (unless there are health history or related reasons contraindicating this.)

________________________________PE 131 Lab Format____________________________________________

Lab 1---------- Explain lab format, roll sheet, grading, attendance policy, Health History Questionnaire (p. 27), and Contracts. As well as proper apparel, weight room protocol, safety and storage of personal items.

Lab 2---------- Stretching and Flexibility Assessment (p. 152-154, 156), record class scores. Turn in copy of p. 27. **Body Composition Assesment to be done, outside of lab at times indicated, prior to lab 6.

Lab 3---------- Taking pulse rates, training intensity (TI), warmup- stretch Cardiovascular Fitness Assessment (p. 53-54, 61).
Instructor may use another appropriate test (1 mile Walk, Step, or Astrand-Ryhming p.54-59) for select individuals.

Lab 4*--------- Warmup-stretch, Strength Endurance Assessment (p. 117-118, 121).

Lab 5---------- Introduce weight training lifts, safety and techniques.

Lab 6---------- Turn in completed pre-contract, begin choice of lab workouts.

Labs 7-16----- Choice of lab workouts. (labs 8, 12, 16, and during final meeting *) During week 6 diet analysis forms turned in.

Lab 17-------- Self Assessment of Cardiovascular Fitness. Re-do body composition tests.

Lab 18-------- Self Assessment Flexibility and Strength. Turn in post-contract and last workout log. You should arrange for students to meet with you during this week or finals week to get feedback on their goals and workouts.

Finals week - meet with students to discuss exercise prescription contract, lecture final, and grade.

Warm up and stretch before every workout!
* signifies labs in which workout logs are to be turned in (Personal Daily Log).

______________________________P E 131 LAB WORKOUT OPTIONS________________________________

1.*------- Jogging: 20-40 minutes of jogging or walk/jog combination.
2.*------- Bicycling: 20 minutes minimum of continuous peddling.
3. --------Walking: 25 minutes in TI (count laps).
4.*------- Rowing: 20-40 minutes in TI.
5.-------- Step-up Machine: 20-40 minutes in TI.
6. Interval "A": 2 min. jump rope
___________2 min. rest
___________2 min. stairs
___________2 min. rest
___________2 min. high intensity run
___________2 min. rest
___________2 min. high intensity run
___________2 min. rest
___________2 min. stairs
___________2 min. rest
___________2 min. jump rope
___________2 min. slow walk
7.*------- Combo "A": 20-30 min. of combination jog and bike (1/2 time in each activity).
8.-------- Combo "B": 30-40 min. same as #7.
9.*------- Combo "C": 25-35 min. any comb. of bike, jog, row, and step-up equally divided in time.

Each student must include at least 5 lab workouts from the following choices!

10.*------- Weight Workout "A": Three sets of 8-12 reps of all upper body class lifts.
11.*------- Weight Workout "B": Three sets of 8-12 reps of all lower body class lifts.
12.*------- Circuit Workout: Two sets of 8-12 reps of all upper and lower body lifts moving quickly from one lift
to the next with little rest between lifts (approx. 45 sec. rest max.).
13. -------Weight/Jog Combo "A": One set 8-12 reps upper body lifts, jog (biking, rowing, step ups can be substituted)
20 minutes.
14.-------- Weight/Jog Combo "B": One set 8-12 reps lower body lifts, jog(biking, rowing, step ups can be substituted)
20 minutes.

* Means this workout may be done twice and counted for lab credit.


Food & Nutrition Information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Your Link to Nutrition and Health

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Direct suggestions, comments, and questions about this page to Tom Kelly, kellyt@wou.edu.

Western Oregon University