Shaun Huston - WOU -- GEOG 386 Grading

Home > Other Courses > GEOG 386 > Grading


Your grade in this course will be based on your completion rate of Assignments averaged across the two categories: Film Project and In-Class Writing.

  • An average completion rate of 93-100 is an A.
  • An average completion rate of 90-92 is an A-.
  • An average completion rate of 87-89 is a B+.
  • An average compeltion rate of 83-86 is a B.
  • An average compeltion rate of 80-82 is a B-.
  • An average compeltion rate of 77-79 is a C+.
  • An average compeltion rate of 73-76 is a C.
  • An average compeltion rate of 70-72 is a C-.
  • An average compeltion rate of 67-69 is a D+.
  • An average compeltion rate of 63-66 is a D.
  • An average compeltion rate of 60-62 is a D-.
  • An average completion rate of below 60 is an F.
You will also submit two (2) self-assessments during the term, one around mid-term and one at the end of the term. These will ask you to reflect on your learning and engagement in the course and make your own grade suggestions.

Note that Attendance & Participation can also affect your final grade.

I also reserve the right to make grade adjustments on the basis of demonstrable improvements in engagement and learning over the term, i.e., if you start the term slowly or by falling behind, but catch up or show substantial improvement, I may adjust your final grade to reflect this trajectory independent of any self-assessment.

You can track your progress towards completion of assignments via Moodle. I will credit assignments on a binary basis, with a 0 or 1 depending on whether you submitted an assignment (1) or not (0).

For your reference, there should be eight (8) assignments related to the Film Project and up to twenty (20) In-Class Writing assignments.

Shaun Huston's web site is at:

Created by Anne-Marie Deitering and Shaun Huston

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