Before I Go… all!

*update- I had trouble with the wifi at the airport, so this is finally posting now that I have wifi*

Pretty soon I m off to Costa Rica! I am not quite sure where the time went… but its already time to start a new year and a new adventure! I am excited, but very nervous about being in a new country by myself where I do not know anyone yet. I have not used Spanish in years so I know I will feel very overwhelmed when I get there with people asking me questions. I guess I will just have to go with the flow though until I pick it up!

From everything I have heard, and pictures I have seen, CR looks like a beautiful place!! Once I get more tan and get more Spanish down I feel like I will fit in better since I have a couple similar features as Ticos already, such as dark and curly hair. Hopefully b the end of my stat I will be loving Costa Rica and feeling like it is another home of mine!

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