Pre-Departure: China 2013!

“My bags are packed. I’m ready to go…”

This song pretty much sums up how I feel right now. To say I’m nervous would be an understatement. I mean, tomorrow morning I’m getting on a huge plane, (that doesn’t make any sense that something so heavy can stay up in the air… it must be magic!), flying to a new country where I don’t even know how to say, “Hello” or “Do you know where the bathroom is?”, but most importantly… I’m going to China! If it wasn’t for Chem 104 with Patty Flatt, I wouldn’t have even known about the trip to China, gotten excited, texted my mom in class (Sorry Patty!), and went through all the work it took to get myself ready to leave for China!

My thoughts about going to China are: For starters, WHAT AM I THINKING?! Yes, I can’t wait to leave, experience new things, meet new people, and of course be in a different culture/ country! Really?! Why in the world did I decide that CHINA!!! was the place for me? Don’t the Chinese eat cat and dog for dinner or for snacks? Won’t they look at me funny for being American? Will I “fit in”?! Am I going to disrespect anyone? What happens if I end up in jail?! All these thoughts are running through my mind… Most importantly, if I get hurt or lost, how am I going to communicate with someone to a.) tell them I’m hurt or b.) have them help me find my group? Like I said, I can’t even communicate to receive the most basic needs for survival. I really don’t think my Spanish will come in handy either… oops!

The things I really looking forward to are: The Great Wall, like in reality, how many people do you know that have been on The Great Wall?! Me personally, I know like 2 people! So, I can’t wait to be one of those people to say they have been there, walked on it, and hey, maybe I’ll sneak some of it home! Patty keeps raving about this Lotus Root, so I can’t wait to try it! I’m a little apprehensive, I mean it’s the root of a plant that sits in swamp water. Do you really think that sounds good?! I won’t believe it until I see it, but going to the jungle where they filmed Avatar will be breathtaking! We’ll see how much of it actually looks real or if it was just CGI! Of course I can’t wait to connect with all the people that are going on this trip with me! I mean, we are going to be practicing Tai Chi with a grand master and his group from England! I’m also really looking forward to practice Tai Chi!

Well, here goes nothing! I’m leaving on a jet plane! I’m heading to China to create memories, live in the moment, and take it all in!

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

This is what I think all of the little villages we go to will look like.

This is what I think all of the little villages we go to will look like.

Goodbye America! Hello China!

2 thoughts on “Pre-Departure: China 2013!

  1. Kylie, you make me laugh:) This was a wonderful, reflective, honest, and humorous post. You experienced all of the up and down emotions one does when heading for a foreign destination. Michele

    • I had a friend go to China for a three week art trip. He went all over, from the Great Wall, to Hong Kong, the Gobi Desert and many other locales. It was real tough for him, as he had very censored internet, different customs, food and drink being very different than back home, but had the trip of a lifetime. Fortunately, he had a tour group/class group to keep him safer, but I was told English is not a huge barrier over there, at least in the more traveled areas.

      Learned one other thing too; tipping is not customary and sometimes even frowned upon. Didn’t know if you knew that, but hope that helps. Good luck on the trip.

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