Letting things Go

I can not say, I did anything really exciting other than meeting with other NGOs and exchanging cultural and business ideas. While I was in these meetings I felt I needed to reassess what I had done for this NGO and think what I actually could do. I have a passion for working with people who want to empower other people, but I felt I stretched myself to thin. I wanted to do everything from creating networks to creating programs for the NGO that I was working for. When I realized I could not do this, I needed to find a solution to my problem.

What I realized was that I need to let things go because India as a whole is very complex with so many layers. Each state of India has its own traditions, songs, language, and dance that is essential to that state’s culture. So when it comes to me; Kevin Kronenfeld who is an American who does not speak the language, does not know the songs, does not know the dances, and does not know the culture that well believes change can happen in a matter of 10 weeks, well that cannot happen! I just need to let things go and think of this as a holistic experience where I have a chance to gain so much more than I actually put into this organization. The ability to learn and understand India takes time. People say you have to live here for 6 months to truly understand the culture. What I think is that you have to watch, wait, and listen to fully immerse yourself in India.

As for the week 5, I am leaving my plans up to chance.

On a side note, if anyone reads that all Indians speak English in a guidebook, well that guidebook is telling half of the truth. Indians will try to make a effort to speak English because that is what they are taught in school, but their first language will be Hindi or their state language. Even if you speak English, they might not understand you because there are different types of English accents.

One thought on “Letting things Go

  1. You’ve made a very important observation–the country is indeed very complex and there so much that needs to be done. Any contribution you make while in India will be important on a small scale, but as you note, it will be very difficult to see the difference it makes because of the vast need. Michele

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