Winter 2018


If you are looking for plays to see, look for the tab above the rainbow picture.

Here are the courses I’m teaching Winter 2018:


They are both full, and both have waitlists as of January 3, 2018.

My office hours will be online this term.

Online Office Hours: T 1:30-2:30,  R 1:30-2:30, F 1:30-2:00

Here is a video tutorial on how to do online office hours with me (I’m not in the video):

Happy 2018!


Fall 2017

Where Am I?

Tuesday: Office Hours Maaske 329 12-2 PM

Thursday: Office Hours Maaske 329 12-2 PM

Friday: onlineoffice hour 1-2PM

All Office Hours also ONLINE.

In order to take advantage of online office hours, follow these instructions:

use Gtalk

Sign in to your Gmail/Wou email account.

Look for the list of names in the lower left corner under the list of your mailboxes.
You can chat with anyone who has a colored ball icon next to his or her name. When someone is online, a green, yellow, or red colored ball will appear. Here’s how to chat with someone who’s available:

From Chat in Gmail, Google+, iGoogle and Online friends in orkut:

1. Find the name of the person you’d like to chat with. Mine name is “Maren Anderson”
2. Click the my name to open a chat window.
3. Enter your message in the text field, and press Enter.
4. Wait for your contact to respond!

If I don’t respond immediately, try again in a couple minutes…I may be away from my desk to fetch a drink or something.

Revised Fall 2015 Office Hours

Tuesday’s office hours will take place online. I won’t necessarily be on campus, but I will be available to chat online.
In order to take advantage of online office hours, follow these instructions:


1. Online Office Hours
a) On Hangouts, the “Available” green light is on next to my name is ALWAYS ON because I am always signed in to the account on my smartphone. This does NOT mean that I am always available for answering questions, etc.
b) I am always available online during office hours. Otherwise, you may try to chat with me between 9 am and 8 PM on weekdays. DO NOT try to chat with me late at night or early in the morning. It will annoy me, and you will lose chat privileges with me.
c) If I don’t respond immediately, try again in a couple minutes…I may be away from my desk to fetch a drink or something.
d) I’ll be in my Maaske Hall office at this time, so feel free to drop by if you are on campus!
e) In order to take advantage of online office hours, follow these instructions:
• Use Google Chat
• I will invite all of you to chat the first week of classes. Look for my name in your school email chat list (usually on the lower left of your gmail screen).
• My handle is or “Maren Anderson”
• Follow these links for a tutorial.

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 2:09 PM

Fall 2015


Here’s some information about Fall 2015:

WR 115 MW 2:00-3:50

ENG 104 online –log in to now if you are registered

ENG 105 online–log in to now if you are registered

If you wish to register for either ENG 104 or ENG 105, email me now at


My office hours are in flux. Here are my office hours for Sept 28-Oct 2:

M 1-2


W 4:00-4:30

R none