Prep Sessions for the Comprehensive Exams

Information about prep session for comprehensive exams


The purpose of the prep sessions is to help students prepare for the upcoming comprehensive exams. Prep sessions are usually held twice per term. Sessions are held on campus and usually in the second and/or third week of the term. The primary purpose of the prep sessions are to explain the process in person, to answer questions about the exam process and the exam questions, and to provide an opportunity to hear and address student concerns about the exams.

Additionally, the prep sessions provide students an opportunity to meet one another, to organize study or preparation groups, and to share contact information.

How Prep Sessions Work

The first part of the sessions is an overview of the comps process. It is followed by a short Q&A time. The second part of the session addresses and reviews the questions. It is followed by a longer Q&A time. The third part of the session proposes several different strategies to prepare for the exams.

Upcoming Prep Sessions

Fall 2014

Download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation here.

Monday, October 6th, 2014. ITC 001. 5-630 pm

The first hour will focus on the Ed Core questions. Dr. Dantas-Whitney will discuss the ESOL questions from 6-6:30.

Thursday, October 9th, 2014. ED 118. 4-530 pm

The first hour will focus on the Ed Core questions. Dr. Smiles will discuss the Reading questions from 5-5:30.

Winter 2015

These prep sessions will focus only on the Ed Core questions. ESOL and Reading will arrange their own prep sessions this quarter.

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015. ITC 001 5-6 pm.

Thursday, January 15th, 2015. ITC 001 4-5 pm.

Spring 2015

Dates to be determined.