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October 28, 2005

Weekly Report - Scarf 4th week, ICS 101 Statistics

I'm fixing the final problems with the scarf 4th week report. I needed to include the GO address changes I made the other day so that we have better addresses in the final report.
I'm working on a report for the Provost Office that shows percentages of gender, sat scores, high school gpa and retention for students that took an ICS 101 course during the past 4 years. I made it as a stored procedure called wou_misc.p_stats_for_classes(term,subj,course).
I updated Edconnect to 7.1 and installed acrobat reader 7 for the upcoming pfaids patch for Financial Aid this morning.

Posted by soukupm at 02:24 PM | Comments (0)

October 27, 2005

Weekly Report - Scarf,Faids,Project

I have nearly every problem fixed on the summer scarf report. One of which was the GO address problem that seemed to be growing. There was a section of code that was looking at the citizen code and if it was null, then the state would be set to null. This caused a bunch of problems because some of the students have citizen code set to null, especially the continuing education students.
The ptstudent and faids cron failed on monday so I ended up sending those manually. For some reason, I had to reset the credentials for the cron jobs. So if there's no entry in the log file faids_log.txt in the financial aid shared drive, chances are the credentials need to be set, the server was down, or the network was down. Any errors the program encountered will be logged in that text file.
For my Thursday project, I'm reading the Perl CD Bookshelf to improve my skills in reading and writing Perl code.

Posted by soukupm at 11:18 AM | Comments (0)

October 21, 2005

Weekly blog

I wrote a web based WUE report for Admissions that displays data such as name, vnumber,address,gpa, high school code, etc so that it can be put into excel. I'll meet with admissions next week to make sure all the data elements that they needed are in the report and make any adjustments if necessary.
I'm fixing the last few problems in the scarf report and double checking the numbers to make sure they look good.

Posted by soukupm at 01:18 PM | Comments (0)

October 20, 2005

Weekly Report

I ran some reports for student affairs for the Who's Who and Student Elections. Student Affairs wanted phone numbers included in the list so I ended up coding a new app to include them since the original didn't have them. Its on SIS under wou_misc.p_stu_elections. I have it hardcoded to look at fall 2005 for right now, but that can be easily changed to look at any term.
I've been working with the Registrar's Office and Admissions trying to get the problems fixed for the scarf reports. Pretty much all of them are fixed except for the few students that were readmits. These students are missing their original admit decision because they were admitted prior to Banner. I'm working with OUS on how to code these students in.

Posted by soukupm at 10:56 AM | Comments (0)

October 14, 2005

WOU Directory

I got the WOU directory script working on windows so just about anyone can run it now. Here's what you'll need to get it to work.

1) Install ActivePerl version 5.8.6 or higher from ActiveState on your computer.
2) Download GNU utilities for Win32 from http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/
3) Set your path statement so that it includes the path to the unix utilities. Right click on My Computer, select properties, click on advanced tab, environment variables. Down in the System varaibles box, find the Path variable. Click edit, and at the end of the path statement add: ;c:\directory_where_unix_utils_are_installed
click ok to save.
4)Run a CMD prompt, and type PPM.
Type: search PDF::API2
It should return with version 0.46.003 or higher.
Type: install 1 (or whatever number for the version you want)
It'll download and install into you perl directory, type quit when its done.
5) Run a CMD prompt again, change to I:\programmers\campusdir directory.
Type: perl facdir_pdf.pl my_directory_info.txt
*my_directory_info.txt should be whatever the name of the data file that contains the directory infomation. This file is tab seperated. An example of this is in I:\programmers\campusdir\2005-06dir.txt

Note: Right now it currently saves the pdf in I:\Programmers\mike\fac_staff_dir. This can be changed inside the perl script along with the other paths the script uses.

Posted by soukupm at 01:48 PM | Comments (0)

October 13, 2005

Weekly blog

I've been working on summer scarf report and getting the problems fixed with the data. This always takes a while because I have to contact the departments that entered the data to fix these problems. I'm going to run a test 4th week report today and fix any errors before I need to run the official report next week. I've been working on the WOU directory this week too. At first it seemed that I needed to add the old linux box to the domain, but I came up a different idea. The perl script that builds the directories uses the unix commands "ls" and "grep". So I searched on the web and found these unix utilities for windows at http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ that has ls and grep and all the more common unix commands for windows. So now, I should be able to run this script on my computer since I already have perl installed. I just need to make a couple modifications to the script so that it can handle windows directory paths.

Posted by soukupm at 10:37 AM | Comments (0)

October 07, 2005

Weekly Blog 2

I went to OSU this week to get training on SQL. That went really well and I learned a lot about structuring my queries to be a lot more effecient and tons of helpful tips on designing queries. Next month, I'll get training on ProC. I also went to a BIQuery training on thursday. This is information I learned:
1. Simple Queries
2. Query Modifiers
3. Query Qualification and More Sorting
4. Matching Character Patterns
5. Data Values & Values in a Range
6. Querying Multiple Data Object and Combing Qualifications
7. Applying Aggregate Functions
8. Using Prompts - Single and Grouped
9. Executive Buttons

I worked on the new scarf changes this week and got those completed. I got pcounter working again, it needed some configuration changes to get the print credits from Banner working again. The problem was that it wasn't configured to look at the new domain since the upgrade and had some permissions problems with the pcounter directory. Today, I installed the powerfaids update and netpartner update for financial aid. Both of these went well. I'll be sending in the 2nd week report today as soon as a couple residency codes are fixed for a few students.

Posted by soukupm at 02:19 PM | Comments (0)

October 04, 2005

Email Addresses in Banner

I added a new code for email address in banner to clean up the existing records that were non "@wou.edu" address. The new type is STDO (student - other email address). All of the students that had a STDN address that was a non-WOU account, is now a type "STDO". Any new addresses that are entered in goremal as type "STDN", should only be WOU addresses to keep all records consistent. Having this standard simplifies the code required to insert new records into the table.

Posted by soukupm at 03:52 PM | Comments (0)