moose web power

Exploring and Using
Web Design Code

Lists of Common Tags

Really Basic Tags


The tags typically coded by an authoring program like DreamWeaver defining the entire HTML document, the head and body portion and defing the title of the document. The <title> tag is found in the <head>.

<strong></strong> or <b></b>
<em></em> or <i></i>
<br />
<hr />
<ol><li></li></ol> or <ul><li></li></ul>

These tags format the text with bold or italic, with a new paragraph, a break to the next line or a visible line. The <h1>...<h6> define the size of the heading with <h1> being the largest and <h6> being the smallest; they also create new paragraphs. <center> is intuitive and <blockquote> indents the paragraph.

<table> requires <tr> (table row) and <td> (table cell, literally table data). <table is very functional for decribing the format of a webpage.

<ol> and <ul> create ordered and unordered list with list items (<li>).


These two insert links and images with a basic format such as
<a href="http://www.wou.ed">Text</a> and <img src="images/moose.jpg" />

<area />

These tags define linkable areas on images, define forms for inputing information and defining locations within the webpages where information may be inserted. These are more advanced tags.


These two tags allow for comments for humans which the browser will not read and defines the HTML document type.

For a more complete with additional details, visit the web at sites such as