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CSE625 - Rubric

  Beginning Emerging Standard Excelling

minimal understanding of HTML

recognizes function and structure of HYTML tags fluently uses HTML to create webpages and documents fluently and effectively uses HTML including HTML5 and CSS3 with minimal errors
Design visually the webpage doesn't follow the guidelines of good design basic design rules of contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity are in part incorporated into the webpage visually the webpage is pleasing with balance, color blending, appropriate font and size visually the website follows the rules of design and is outstandingly impressive
Images images may be present on the website images are used to enhance the message of the website images are clear, appropriately sized, appropriate for the content images are eloquently created, visually stunting, greatly enhances the message
Navigation links and buttons are difficult to find and use links are challenging to find, irregular and not very friendly most links are clear, functional, purposeful and well placed on the page all links are intuitive, functional, easy to find, and age appropriate

demonstrates little to no understanding how to evaluate websites for content, validity, visual appeal or appropriateness

appears to understand a range of qualities of websites recognizes quality websites for their appearance, functionality, validity, flexibility, fiendilyness, and educational value recognizes and recites quality websites for educational purposes and tools to evaluate websites
Authoring demonstrates little to no understanding of website authoring processes recognizes online and offline authoring processes and follows prompts recognizes and effectively uses a variety of authoring processes and programs understands in depth a variety of common online and offline authoring processes and programs
Folders recognizes a folder understands the use of folders in web design uses folders for managing web documents such as images, CSS, Javascripts uses folders effectively and eloguently for managing web documents
Interaction demonstrates little to no ability to make websites interactive understands the value of interaction with websites is able to include interactive features in web design effectively and fluently creates webpages with which clients may interact including forms, databases
Friendly demonstrates little to no understanding of the value of "friendly" websites understands the need of and use for "friendly" websites effectively creates "friendly" and welcoming websites appropriate for all users models exemplary features for welcoming and easily navigated websites

demonstrates little to no understanding of gadgets

understands the use of gadgets in websites demonstrates the ability to include appropriate and functional gadgets within websites demonstrates the effective and flexible use of appropriate gadgets within websites such as PayPal, calendars, comments, RSS as well as videos and audios