Favorite Quote

"It's never too late to have a second childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else."

CSE625 - Introduction (part 2)

General | Part 3

Jumping into HTML and More

      Http stands for hyper-test transfer protocol and is the first part of all URL addresses. Https is similar except that it is secure or safe, hence the "s", using encrypted code to transfer information to prevent hackers from easily obtaining personal inforamtion through the Internet.

      A code in the <head> of an HTML document which gives information to the Internet but does not appear on the client's browser page. It may include keywords for search engines or description about the document itself.

      Another markup language which can be used within HTML coding generate more dynamic behavior. Typically start with <? and ends with ?>. Can be its only document. Is actually read and acted upon in the server, not on the browser. This coding can be helpful when managing large numbers of webpages with routine modifications.

Tables and Layers
      Two ways to design the page layout. Tables are quite static and appear like cells in a spreadsheet orstacked Lego bricks. They are very simple, easily coded but somewhat restrictive. Layers are similar to layers in Photoshop and can be placed most anywhere on the browser's page, and is typically coded through the CSS.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
      A coding that is auxillary to the HTML document or included in the HTML document that helps define the appearance of the webpage on the browser. The external CSS document can be very helpful when managing large numbers of webpages.

      XHTML is simply stated as the newer and improved version of HTML. It requires that all tags have a closing tag and offers a protocol for this requirement. XML is a method of moving data within the Internet. It requires the use of databases and support from the administrators of the servers.

      Forms, identified in HTML as <form> and </form> provide a process for accepting information from the client and passing it on to a database or other users. See the linked PDF for more details.

Week Two Challenge
      The challenge for this week is to start to explore Dreamweaver, to begin to become comfortable with some of its features by designing at least one webpage using text and images. Explore the affect of different text styles, colors, fonts, alignments, bullets; always keeping one eye on the code to see how the code changes as the text changes.
      Secondly, insert an image, then numerous images. Add several paragraphs of text to mingle with the images. Explore the different features offered for images: resizing, alignment, borders, alternate text and more.HTML may not do exactly what you may wish but if you understand what HTML will do, you may be able to trick it into do what you want it to do.
      Thirdly, adventure in territory not explored in class; try to add links to your images and text. The Powerpoint will give you some hints. Can you link an image so that it will create another webpage with only the image?

      Don't forget to use w3.schools. And Basics, linked on the left, for information about getting connected to the programs at WOU.