Primary Objectives:

  1. One full iteration of class project
  2. Team project inception continues

Overall Requirements:

  • Class Project 1st Full Iteration:
    • All iteration artifacts updated in Azure DevOps, Git repository and result deployed with continuous deployment
  • Team Project Inception (Part 2 of 3)
    • Lists of needs and features
    • List of requirements, NFR's
    • Overall architecture design
    • Initial modeling (initial database design, use cases, ...)
    • Timeline and release plan
    • Epics/Features/User stories in Azure DevOps backlog with ID, effort, priority.
    • Final Vision Statement
    • Identification of Risks

Grade sheet

In this milestone we complete the first full (but one week) iteration/sprint of the class project. For the team project you'll work hard on inception activities to get a good hold on what your project will entail.


  1. Complete a full one week Sprint for the class project. This is nearly the whole thing: Backlog Refinement and Grooming, Standups each class day and Sprint Review with your advisor (Retrospective will be next week). — Break down any remaining high priority Epics or Features into User Stories, add any new User Stories you've come up with and work them over. Do some architecture and modeling work to clarify your solution strategies. Go through the priorities and make sure they're appropriate.

    Think about what you'll be able to accomplish in one week. Be realistic but don't make it too short. Groom the backlog and select User Stories for Sprint 2. Break them down into Tasks if you don't have a clear picture of what work they will entail. All User Stories you're working on this week must have a description. Once they're in Sprint 2, begin work on the starting day. Remember, what you commit to is what you're agreeing to complete by the end of the Sprint.

    In past years teams were required to do 21 effort points worth of stories/tasks each, but I think that is a bit much for this first sprint. Shoot for 13 each. Doing more stories or tasks that have smaller effort values is better at this point than doing one 13 point story. Remember that quality work is one of your top priorities.

    It is highly recommended that for this first Sprint you tackle tasks that are well defined (you know exactly how to do them). Don't involve any new learning into this Sprint. Visual design is important so account for the time it will take.

    Set up continuous deployment for your Web App on Azure for your master branch in BitBucket. There's a page linked on the main class web page that will help.

    Be ready to demonstrate your website (on Azure) at the review meeting.

  2. Team Project Inception phase II — Spend quality time working on your team project. Go through the inception phase activities as we did for the class project and produce appropriate artifacts (see above and use the template from before). You're not designing or specifying the entire project, but you should be getting some good definitions of what the project will do and what high-level architecture and design is needed. Every team member should be on the same page and top features should be clear.

    In terms of the “Level of Detail” expected, if you don't have 6+ Epics/Features, with the highest priority one(s) broken down to at least 10 User Stories, some having Tasks, then you've not thought of it enough.

    We will review each Team's Vision statement during class so all teams know what all the projects are.