Home > Other Courses > GEOG 420/520 > Assignments


For students enrolled in GEOG 420D (CRN: 20588), your learning in this class will be assessed with the following assignments (to see what role these assignments have in grading go here):

  1. Film Analyses. For each film we screen in class, you will write an analsyis based on class themes. These analyses are opportunities to demonstrate the full range of learning goals and outcomes for the course. Specific goals and outcomes are identified on specific assignments on Moodle. There are five (5) analyses for the term.
  2. Reading Response. For each week's readings, you should prepare a response based on prompts provided on Moodle. There will be ten (10) Reading Responses for the term. Individual responses will be tied to different goals and outcomes for the course.

  3. Summative Reflection. At the end of the term, you will be asked to write an essay reflecting on course material, including other assignments, as a whole. This assignment is an opportunity to practice Integrative Learning and will also ask you to address the specific learning goals for the course. Instructions will be posted to Moodle in week 9.

  4. Blogging. Online discussion for the course will take place on a blog I have established on TypePad.
  5. In-class writing. Each week we meet in ITC 211, I will ask you to complete some combination of Learning Assessment and Freewriting in class. Learning Assessments are short tasks or questions that I will generally present at the end of each week. Their purpose is to help me gauge what you're learning. Freewriting is open-ended writing about the course and related material, usually within a given time period. This assignment is an opportunity to practice and demonstrate reflection and self-assessment, a feature of Integrative Learning, and will also allow you to informally practice course learning goals. There will be an opportunity to make-up these assignments on Moodle.

Students enrolled in GEOG 520 (CRN: 30589) will also complete an additional project, with details to be worked out in consultation with me.

Shaun Huston's web site is at: http://www.wou.edu/~hustons

Created by Anne-Marie Deitering and Shaun Huston

Please address comments or questions to hustons@wou.edu