Home > Other Courses > GEOG 327
Popular Culture in Global Perspective
This course addresses the making of popular cultures across boundaries. This term the focus is on three activites that are practiced and shared by different people in different places: graffiti & street art, bicycling, and relations with urban wildlife.

Learning Goals & Outcomes: In taking this course, you will:

  • Intepret popular culture as place-specific, but also as shared and practiced at different scales and across boundaries.
  • Demonstrate critical geographic thinking about "culture."
  • Relate non-human actors and forces to human culture.
These goals reflect the geography faculty's emphasis on students being able to "interpret the interrelationships between people, space and place," and institutional commitments to students showing learning in Inquiry & Analysis, Global Learning, Intercultural Knowledge and Competence, and Integrative Learning.

Format: This course is conducted as an online seminar with one hour each week of classroom discussion on Mondays 9:00-9:50 in HSS 107. Online assignments and activities are posted to the course Moodle pages.

Shaun Huston's web site is at: http://www.wou.edu/~hustons

Created by Anne-Marie Deitering and Shaun Huston

Please address comments or questions to hustons@wou.edu