Home > Other Courses > GEOG 307 > Assignments


Your grade in this class is based on the following assignments. Additional information about assignments will be posted to the course Moodle page.

  1. Perspectives on Canadian Identity Review. The first block includes both a lesson on Canadian identity and a review assignment. Completion of this assignment is worth ten (10) points. Details on Moodle.
  2. Film Write-ups. Each block will include critical write-ups of the films included in that block. Details about the write-ups are posted on Moodle. Each write-up is worth five (5) points for a total of forty-five (45).
  3. Discussion. Each block will include a set of discussion fora - typically one each for the included films and readings and, where appropriate, lessons. You are expected to make at least five (5) contributions to these fora per block.

    You can spread your contributions out however you like in terms of which fora and when you make your contributions. Contributions can take the form of comments or questions or the start of a new topic. Contributions should be appropriate to the chosen forum and should show a clear engagement with the related material.

    Fora will open at the beginning of a block and be timed to shut down on the Friday or Wednesday when a block concludes. Each set of five (5) forum posts is worth five (5) points for a total of forty-five (45).

Final grades will be assessed on a standard 100 point scale (93+ is an A; 90-92 is an A-; 87-89 is a B+; 83-86 is a B; 80-82 is a B-; 77-79 is a C+; 73-76 is a C; 70-72 is a C-; 67-69 is a D+; 63-66 is a D; 60-62 is a D-. Lower than 60 is an F).

Shaun Huston's web site is at: http://www.wou.edu/~hustons

Created by Anne-Marie Deitering and Shaun Huston

Please address comments or questions to hustons@wou.edu