Writing Assignments for Math 494/594 Fall 2004




1.      Go to the website http://www.mcdougallittell.com/state/tx/corr/levels.pdf  and read the article on the van Hiele levels of geometric understanding carefully. Write a short summary and reflection on this article. You may want to include a discussion of the main ideas in the article and how they pertain to your experience as a student (and as a teacher, if relevant).  Due with assignment 2.


2.      Go to the website http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/Geom/ and check out one of the activities on the page. Write a brief summary of the activity and a reflection about the important mathematical ideas that it contains.  Due with assignment 3.


3.      Go to the library and look through issues of Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School.  Select two article that focus on geometry. Write a short summary and each article.  Please answer the following questions related to the articles:

4.      Did you like the ideas presented in the article?

5.      Can you think of a way to modify or extend the suggested activities?

Due with assignment 5.


6.      Go to the website http://standards.nctm.org/document/chapter6/geom.htm and read through the NCTM Standards for geometry. Describe how what you see in the Standards relates to Math 494/594.   Due with assignment 7.