Chapter 1

  1. Group
  2. Group Dynamics
  3. Group Effectiveness
  4. Interdependence
  5. Roles
  6. Norms (implicit and explicit)
  7. Punctuated equilibrium theory of group development
  8. Tuckman & Jensen’s Stage model of group development


Chapter 2

  1. Action theory
  2. Experiential learning
  3. Role playing
  4. Process observation
  5. Content
  6. Process
  7. Participant-observer
  8. Feedback
  9. Observation procedures
  10. Procedural learning

Chapter 3

  1. Goal
  2. Group goal
  3. Social interdependence
  4. Operational goal
  5. Level of aspiration
  6. Hidden agenda
  7. Cooperation
  8. Goal structure
  9. Competition
  10. Individualistic efforts
  11. Distributive justice
  12. Merit system
  13. Equality system
  14. Need system

Chapter 4

  1. Interpersonal communication
  2. Effective communication
  3. Sender
  4. Receiver
  5. Message
  6. Channel
  7. Defensive behavior
  8. One-way communication
  9. One-way communication with feedback
  10. Two-way communication
  11. Communication network
  12. Information gatekeepers
  13. Leveling
  14. Sharpening
  15. Assimilation

Chapter 5

  1. Trait approach to leadership
  2. Charismatic leadership
  3. Machiavellian leadership
  4. Leadership styles
  5. Initiating structure
  6. Consideration
  7. Influence leadership
  8. Role position approach to leadership
  9. Distributed actions approach to leadership
  10. Task actions
  11. Relationship actions
  12. Member maturity
  13. Telling
  14. Selling
  15. Participating
  16. Delegating


Chapter 6

  1. Power
  2. Dynamic-interdependence approach to power
  3. Trait-factor approach to power
  4. Credibility
  5. Attractiveness
  6. Forewarning
  7. Innovation
  8. Bases of power
  9. Reward power
  10. Coercive power
  11. Legitimate power
  12. Referent power
  13. Expert power
  14. Informational power
  15. Outcome dependence
  16. Information dependence
  17. Resistance
  18. Manipulation
  19. Rule of self-direction

Chapter 7

  1. Decision
  2. Effective decision
  3. Consensus
  4. Majority vote
  5. Minority control
  6. Averaging opinions
  7. Defensive avoidance
  8. Groupthink
  9. Concurrence-seeking
  10. Dissonance reduction
  11. Vigilance
  12. Critical evaluation


Chapter 8

  1. Controversy
  2. Conceptual conflict
  3. Cognitive perspective
  4. Perspective-taking
  5. Concurrence-seeking
  6. Debate
  7. Epistemic curiosity
  8. Creativity
  9. Dogmatism
  10. Open-mindedness
  11. Differentiation of positions
  12. Integration of positions
  13. Brainstorming

Chapter 9

  1. Conflict of interests
  2. Conflict positive group
  3. Withdrawal
  4. Forcing
  5. Smoothing
  6. Compromise
  7. Negotiation
  8. Distributive, win-lose negotiations
  9. Integrative, problem-solving negotiations
  10. Dilemma of trust
  11. Dilemma of openness and honesty
  12. Norm of reciprocity
  13. Goal dilemma
  14. Steps of integrative negotiating
  15. Psychological reactance
  16. Fundamental attribution error
  17. Attribution theory
  18. Frustration-aggression hypothesis
  19. Superordinate goal
  20. Self-fulfilling prophecy
  21. Stereotype


Chapter 10

  1. Sources of Diversity
  2. Demographic
  3. Personal
  4. Ability & Skill
  5. Effects of Diversity on Outcomes
  6. Production Tasks
  7. Intellective Tasks
  8. Decision Making Tasks
  9. Cohesion
  10. Conflict
  11. Stereotype
  12. Prejudice
  13. Racism
  14. Discrimination
  15. Superordinate group identity
  16. False Consensus Bias
  17. Self-serving Bias
  18. Culture Clash

Sample Exam Items

  1. Commitment by group members to accomplishing a goal depends on:
  1. how attractive or desirable the goal seems.
  2. how likely it seems the group can accomplish the goal
  3. how challenging the goal is.
  4. All of the above.
  1. The major barrier to effective communication is the tendency most people have to:
  1. talk too much
  2. talk too little
  3. judge and evaluate
  4. not listen