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March 24, 2011

To be who you are --

I hope you've read it.

Katie's story

I hope we've all read it.

It's more than a political agenda from our nation's president. It's more than "boys will be boys". It's more than "...kids these days...". It's more than our-country-is-headed-to-hell-in-a-handbasket. It's more.

One girl, alone in her love (for Star Wars), isolated by gender, left to contend against the pack mentality of youth. Unique. And ashamed. Shamed by a group of people who fear someone ... something different. Unique.
And so the battle rages. The reign of the beautiful people - the popular people. The revenge of the nerds. Geeks. Dweebs. Dorks. Gamers. Smarty-pants. Comic-book fanatics. CCG-ers. WoW lolcats.

What are we? We are expanding. When most of us ( the geek-nerds) grew up, we were repeatedly humiliated, teased, taunted, harassed, mocked, ignored or tossed about. We were (in general) smaller, nicer, unwilling to fight back with our fists or words, outnumbered, and desiring peace (so we could go play whatever we loved so dearly).

We wanted to fit it, to be cool, to look "pretty", to say the right (cool) thing, to wear the right thing and walk the right way.

So we hid. We vanished. Cloistered in basements, corners or in front of computers we thrived ... sometimes in tight groups - often alone.

But the world has shifted. We are still mocked, and mistreated, but most of us survived and grew up. We got jobs. Our toys are shinier. We bought things, and made things, and innovated, and still could not learn enough. We thrived.

Then along came Katie. An ancient beacon called us. Pain. A flood of memories...

But, we are thriving. We respond. All of us. ALL of us. Thousands write, call, email, blog, send toys, donate and make a connection. Katie is one of us. We will no longer stand by, or hide or run when pushed. We responded.

I was a Katie.
It may have been Star Wars, Star Trek, computers, games, comic books ... doesn't matter. We were different. Nerds and Geeks. We've come together. We've affected our culture. Everything isn't just fine overnight, but being a geek or nerd isn't so offensive now. Isn't so lowly. And we are growing.

Katie, stand tall. Be who you are. We're here.

Posted by ellism at March 24, 2011 1:49 PM


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