
This elephant wades through the Zambezi River in Livingstone, Zambia

A view of the Nile River in Cairo, Egypt

These grass huts fill the rural areas of Africa.

These Sub-Saharan African people are playing the drums and singing loudly.

Second largest continent in the world!

Number of Countries: 53, including Madagascar (island off the East coast), plus some little islands

Largest Country: Sudan

Smallest Country: The Seychelles (island); Gambia is the smallest mainland country.

Largest City: Cairo, Egypt (9.2 million people)

Highest Point: Mt. Kilamanjaro in Tanzania is 19, 340 ft high!

Longest River: The Nile River is the longest in the World at 4,184 feet long!

Economy:Africa has an abundance of natural resources, but is the poorest and most underdeveloped continent, mostly because of diseases and politcal unrest. However, Africa has resources such as oil, gold and diamonds.

Climate: Africa has many climates. Most of northern Africa consists of the Saharan Desert and is very hot and dry. Since the equator runs through Africa, it has tropical rainforest jungle that s humid, hot and rainy. Sub-Saharan Africa is mostly grasslands and jungle, including coastal and mountain regions.

Animals: Because of the rich diversity in climate and open space, Africa hosts many animals such as: elephants, big cats (cheetahs, lions, etc), wildebeests, impalas, warthogs, flamingoes, ostriches, vultures, crocodiles, monkeys, snakes, lizards, camels, and many many more!

Language: Africa has many different people groups, and each one has its own language. There are well over 1000 languages in all of Africa. Most of the countries, however, have a national language that is used for general purposes. Some of those languages include English, French, Portuguese, Swahili and Arabic.

Food: Africans eat food like corn, roots, beans, rice, chicken, beef, yams, cabbage, fruits, Nshima (a mixture of corn starch and water) and stew.

People: People in Northern Africa are mostly Arab and Muslim. They speak Arabic and follow Muslim traditions. People in Sub-Saharan African are mostly black and celebrate rich historical traditions.

They love to dance and sing.

They wear traditional clothing like long wrap-around skirts and cloth wrap hats.

Many people in Africa, especially sub-Saharan, suffer from diseases like Malaria and AIDS. Many children are left to fend for themselves as orphans; on the streets or with family members.

Many of the people in Sub-Saharan Africa are Christians, but there are also many tribal religions like animism (worshipping spirits and animals).









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