Kryptos 2018 Challenge 1:

We have one chance to grab a known cryptocurrency counterfeiter.  For some reason, this heinous hacker has reverted to a very low tech form of communication to set up a meeting where we expect her to exchange a new chip capable of dominating the mining operations of ByteCoin.  Our trench-coated  techies have noticed a series of personal ads places over the last month in a national newspaper.  We have clipped the ads (and circled the ones we are sure came from the counterfeiter) and placed them all in one file to send to you in the hopes that you can help us decipher their meaning.  As usual, time is of the essence.  No more ads have appeared, so we believe the high stakes rendezvous will take place soon.  Please help us figure out what these perplexing personals mean!

[link to newspaper clipping]