eduroam – Global WiFi roaming for Academia

What is eduroam (“educational roaming”) and where can I use it?

  • It is a secure, encrypted, Wi-Fi network that utilizes 802.1X technology to provide unified access across campus. It also allows users from WOU to securely access the Internet from any eduroam-enabled institution throughout the world.
  • In addition, eduroam provides visitors from participating institutions access to WOU’s wireless network and the Internet, without needing guest credentials or additional configuration by the user.
  • Eduroam is available at more than 12,000 locations worldwide, including more than 450 colleges, universities, and research facilities in the United States.
  • Additional information about eduroam can be found here.
  • A list of participating subscribers can be found here

How do I connect to eduroam at WOU?

  • Go to your wireless configuration page.
  • Select eduroam from the list of available SSIDs.
  • Enter your WOU e-mail address in the userid field.
  • Enter your Pawprint password in the password field.
  • If you are from a visiting university, use your universities login credentials.
    • If you previously configured your device at your home university, no further configuration will be required to connect to eduroam at WOU.

Connection tool:

  • The eduroam connection tool can be downloaded here.