Day 5

We went back to the spa and Dr. Flatt got to try some massage moves on Victor. It’s really interesting to watch this happen because you don’t see the effort being put into your own massage. You also don’t really understand the techniques in the massage until the technician explains them. It’s a pattern that is followed during the massage. You only move on to the next moves after opening qi and warming the back up. The scraper can’t be used until a certain point either. Which I believe is different than most western massages, which can go in any order really. As far as I know the body does not have to be warmed up to continue on with certain parts of the massage. They explained more about the release of dampness, which can cause all sorts of diseases. They also explained the reason for releasing black blood which can build up in the body. This is bad blood that has no use and must be physically released by puncturing the skin. Also they explained the sugar tea that is given at the end of the massage which helps to increase blood volume so that you don’t pass out after a massage.


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